Thursday, January 7, 2010

Industrial Laundry If Someone Were Exposed To Elevated Levels Of Ozone Gas Could Brain Swelling Occur?

If someone were exposed to elevated levels of ozone gas could brain swelling occur? - industrial laundry

This is a type of clothing and other chemicals, ie, the typical industrial cleaners. In addition, the ozone level would be about 40 ppm, exposure time is approximately 8 hours at a time, for 5 consecutive days. In theory, it can cause inflammation of the brain? What side effects other than resperatory problems can happen?


Curt said...


Ozone, as you rightly severe respiratory irritation. Ozone is O3. Our body uses O2. The oxygen atom, which is a free radical and joins the lung tissue caused by oxidation is known as rust. The remaining oxygen atom can not, and can enter the bloodstream, as the hemoglobin molecule in the same O2 bivalent state is defined.

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